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Monday, November 29, 2010

Tiny car achieved a maximum speed of 74 km/h

Monday, November 29, 2010
For the crowded parking lot, the E-Type Jaguar and Porsche Speedster copies worth 10,000 pounds (about $ 15,598) is a solution.

Not just pretty small, the cars have the ability to copy a maximum speed reached 74 km / h is quite impressive. With only half the size prototypes, the tiny car copies are equipped with a 110cc gasoline engine or electric motor. 450 hours is enough time to complete a similar car.
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Con Artist Trickster said...

Hi. Nice car-post you have here. They look kind of cute (I do mean the cars).
By the way, do we still need license to drive that around?
Dropping and $miling for you here.

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